I have used several different contactless payment devices, but my favourite “Best Contactless Payment Device” so far is a Ring.

Yep, that’s my hand showing the 11.5 size black ring. They are available in black or white, my black one is more of a dark grey and looks very nice.
Below are 2 videos showing me paying for a bottle of coke in a UK Airport (How much!! I know but I was thirsty and a love coke):
Next one, buying some more coke and crisps (chips) in Hawaii:
Using the Ring
For best results, approach the reader with a fist shape not a flat hand, this allows the radio waves to work better.

So how does the ring work then?
- On the face of it, it’s pretty simple, it behaves like the chip in a credit card but it’s embedded into a ring.
- You offer the ring up to a card machine just like you would any other contactless device (credit card, phone etc), watch the 4 lights go green and listen for the beep, super simple.
- The app will send you a notification (buzz) so you know the transaction has worked.
- The ring has no battery so doesn’t need charging, it’s smooth to touch, scratch resistant and pretty tough all round!
How does it really work?
Download the App (from Apple or Google stores), attach a debit card to the app to charge the app balance, then connect the ring to the app, the ring uses the app balance to pay for things.
App Features
The free app is the best one I have used for contactless devices, in the app you can:
- Set auto topup (with limits) so you never run out of money and don’t have to keep manually adding money to it
- Suspend (Freeze/Unfreeze) a ring in case you misplace it
- Report it Lost/Stolen
- Set a PIN (if you wish)
- Hold up to 4 rings in the same app (friends and family, maybe…)
- See your balance and all the transactions
- Works with Face ID
- Name each ring with a custom name
- Earn cashback from participating retailers
- And more…
Ring Sizing
On the Ring Website, they have a variety of tools you can use to find out what size you need.
Or pop into a jeweller and got your finger measured.
When your ring arrives try it on first, if is the wrong size, DO NOT ACTIVATE IT, then you can return it for a free replacement, this is all handled within the app and it’s simple.
I ordered a 12 and it was too big, so I sent it back and requested an 11.5 which fits perfectly.
For the Best Contactless Payment Device the Standard price is £89.99 and it lasts for 3 years. (£2.50 per month, less than a coffee)
BUT, balance that cost against the functionality and it’s a no-brainer.
You literally tap-and-go
It looks cool, almost everywhere I use it the till staff comment on it.
It’s safe and secure:
If you are at the seaside, and you want to buy a beer or ice cream, would you rather tap and pay using your Ring or reach into your pocket for your phone (nowadays around £1000 worth), activate payments on the phone then tap the phone onto the card reader, next thing you know, you get pushed and your phone is gone (watch YouTube for videos of how quick and easy people take phones from other people)
OK, you have heard enough and you want one…
Step1 , Order your Ring from the McLear website (This link should give you a discount, if it doesn’t just enter the code shown below during the checkout phase):

Step 2, Whilst you are waiting for your ring to arrive, download and install the RingPay app onto your phone in readiness (Click on the images below for a direct link)
Step 3, when your ring arrives add it to the app, press + in top right, add the activation code and bosh, it’s done!
Step 4, add a credit/debit card to the app (Settings > Payment Cards), add some funds
Step 5, go out and use it, enjoy 🙂